1. Take the medication in the first day of Tet is the taboos of the people because it is bad omen signaling the coming years, he will be repeated illness. In the countdown time, patients often break the glass of their medication (usually oral Chinese herbs, put in a bowl, cup) with a glass of broken faith, illness so well melt under and disappeared.
2. Do not eat porridge during Tet because only poor people eat it all year and nobody wants to be needy. Also, they do not eat meat in the first meal of the New Year because most people are Buddhists. This concept stems from religious beliefs, in which the Buddha was a vegetarian, do not kill animals. Chinese people do to show reverence and hope the gods will be satisfied, bless the new year good luck, happiness.
3. Do not wash clothes during the first two days because this is the time of birth anniversary of the Spirit Cards.
4. Fast cavalry used cutlery to prevent accidents, injury to persons or equipment. The first people that used the cutlery would be unfortunate, reducing the wealth of the family throughout the year.
5. married daughter is not allowed to visit the 1st because it brings bad omen for parents or family circumstances that decline.
6. Do not sweep the house during Tet, which are considered the action kicked off the god of wealth and luck will disappear over the years.
7. Do not wash your hair in the 1st due from Hair (Fa) sounds a bit like from Phat Tai (facai), and no one wants to "wash" their luck early in the year.
Taboos in the holidays (from January to the end of the fifteenth day of January)
1. The cry of a child is believed to bring bad omen, so the parents on this occasion always try to keep your child happy, do not cry.
2. Do not damage, breakage of instruments to trading, manufacturing because people believe that for that to happen, they will have a year of bad luck, trading failures.
3. Do not go to the hospital because they believe will bring the disease home. Chinese people come here on this occasion only in case of sickness or endangered as parents, relatives had to be hospitalized.
4. Not to be stealing, pick-pocketing as this would signal during the next year, you will be dissipative properties.
5. No debt in the new year and the previous year debts should be paid before the countdown, because if not, you will have a year-long debt.
6. Recycle empty rice is not allowed because it is a bad omen year will signal hunger.
7. Do not wear clothes torn, damaged in the new year, especially children, as this is believed to bring back luck.
8. Do not kill in the new year because the blood is considered a bad omen.
9. Do not wear white clothes, black - two colors reminiscent of the mourning.
10. People have to stay up late to Eve, to welcome the new year, then set off firecrackers to scare away evil spirits and the year - a monster in the beliefs of the people.
11. Not giving gifts like watches, scissors, pears ... because in Chinese culture, these things have a bad sense.
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